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Faith Matters

My Faith

A foundational aspect of the way I approach photography and life, is my faith in Jesus. Ever since I became a Christ-follower, my life was no longer about building myself up but lifting others up. I want my life to be remembered as someone who loved people despite their past, present and future choices. Someone who chose to walk with people not only in the good times but the hard times too. That is my prayer.

A biblical truth is that we are co-creators with Christ. We are called to create alongside of our God. Photography is my way of documenting the beauty that God has blessed us with. It’s a way for me to interpret God’s creation and present it back to Him as worship.

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Experience Matters

Your Experience

I don’t want my photos to be the main event. I want the main event to be the main event. To me, photography is simply a way in which I can serve my clients. I love the way that Benj Haisch approaches photography. He states, “I’ll be there when you need me, but out of your way when you don’t.” When you’re feeling awkward in front of the camera, I want to be there to remind you that it is completely normal, but when you’re there just having fun in the moment, I want to take a step back and let you enjoy it.

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Community supersedes competition

My goal isn’t to be the best photographer in Vancouver, it’s just to be better than I was yesterday. God has placed many people throughout my life to guide and walk with me. Through photography, my goal is to do the same. To build community and lift others up.  

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I love people

Something you will get to know really quick about me is that I love people. I love listening, interacting and walking with people in their journey. I take my relationships with my clients with great honour. To think that people are willing to give me some of their time to talk about their story is such a blessing.